Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting Serious

I need to start getting serious about tracking my progress.  The idea, is that this is a tool to keep myself on track and accountable....despite my lack of followers.

I am starting supplements.  I'm trying to figure it out on my own, I've started with pills, they are easier to take...but seriously horse pills.  I'm taking BCAA, 4 pills, 3X a day.  And then L-Leucine, an hour before my workout, 6 pills.  It's alot, and I'm going to try to figure out what is best with the help of my trainer.

My powerlifting competition is Feb 27, and I'm really excited.  I am working with Bernard, once a week and them an on a regular routine based on my max.  I stole Cheryl Anderson's workout.  Petite Powerlifter

Bernard and  I worked out my max on each lift.

Bench = 105
Squat = 175
Deadlift = 250

I am really happy about the progress I'm making in Bench and Deadlift.  I'm still a little anxious about Squat, I'm just not as comfortable with form and the weight.  But I'm definitely giving it my best.

This week's progress :

As I move the weight up, it's more important for me to find a spotter.  Jason, my workout co-worker, helped this week and I definitely needed it.  I'm at 80% of my max, which is 85 lbs.  I did 5 sets, 6 reps each.  The last two sets I didn't make it all the way through.

I forgot my belt this week, so I stuck with 135lbs, until my last set, when a belt was freed up at the gym.  135 at 8 reps was good, still tough but I really worked on getting my form down.  I have a wobbly right knee.  I made 5 reps at 150 on my last last rep I almost completley failed, frozen in the squat position.  I had Jason there to spot me, luckily.  It would have been embarrassing to have to drop the weight.

I work with Bernard on Deadlifts.  This week we upped the weight to 80%, which is 190 lbs.  5 sets, 6 each.  Then Bernard stuck a 90% set in there, which is 225 and I totally rocked it. It was fantastic.  Bernard is loud in the gym, when he's egging me on, and when I got my last rep up a woman from the ellipticals clapped for me!  It was fun.

Today, I'm resting.

I'm also trying to take some weight off, to make it into a lower weight class.  So far, so good.  Week one and I'm sticking to my calories etc.  Egg white omelets are saving me!