Sunday, May 2, 2010


I'm starting my new training schedule for the next Powerlifting competition.

Here are my goals :

- To make 2 out of all 3 lifts.

- To lift heavier than any 11 year olds that may be entering this competition.

- To remember to NOT wear my knee high socks before the Deadlift.  Sheesh, was that a rookie move.

I'm not going to list everything I'm doing individually - because I don't have my list in front of me.  I put it all on a dry erase calendar above my desk.  It's fantastic!
Here it is in a nutshell :

6 Days a week of lifting and 5 Days a week of Cardio until the first week of June, then down to 3x/week...until I have to cut it out completely, which is probably 3 weeks before the competition.

Each week I work on all three lifts.  I start at lifting 65% of my max for each lift, spending 2 weeks there perfecting form and drilling that in.  Then I start upping the weight each week.

Max Goals

Deadlift - 250

Bench - 120

Squat - 205

Each day I'm also doing supporting exercises. 

Mon - Upper Push
Tues - Lower Pull - Plyo
Wed - Upper Pull - 30 min cardio
Thurs - Lower Push - 30 min cardio
Fri- Upper Push - 30 min cardio
Sat - Lower Push - 30 min cardio
Sun - Complete Rest

Push & Pull - meaning the type of exercises I'm doing each day. 
So a Lower Pull day would be a relatively quick day with Leg Curls, Adduction, Hip Flexion and maybe Stiff Legged Deadlift.

Each of these are a max of 10 reps as we start out and then will go down to 6-8 reps, as the weight increases. 

My goal is to post something every other day to keep my mind focused and my eye on the prize.
You know, the eat, breathe etc stuff.