Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Competition Time

I am three weeks out from my competition, and one of those weeks is going to be a week of rest.  I'm working out with my trainer Bernard twice over the next two weeks.  Today, I almost passed out during my squats....which was kind of awesome.  Although, I just found out I'm anemic, and have started to work on it via supplements and food....so I should probably take it easy.

Today was all about form on squats and bench, as well as playing with my max lifts.


3 sets at 95 lbs. 8 reps
Set 1 - Warm up, focus on getting my feet correct and my depth
Set 2 & 3 - Pause squats, hitting my depth, counting to 2 and 'popping' up.

2 sets at 135 lbs. 10 reps.
Set 1 - regular squats, working on form & depth
Set 2 - Was a nightmare, completely lost my form at about squat 6, the last two my knees were all over the place.  This was the set that I went pale on and felt like I was going to pass out with the weight on my back.  Bernard is trying to drill it into me not to be afraid....don't be afraid of dropping the weight, of passing out, of even peeing my pants.  Once you aren't afraid of anything (of course being safe) the idea is that you can master it.  And, if I'm honest I'm afraid of heavy squats right now, I know I'll get more comfortable with them.

MAX ATTEMPT - 175 lbs.  I did not get this today, mostly because we went for it at the END of my workout, and I was BUH-EAT.

This was focusing on how I place the bar on my back, looking at my feet until I get my feet in place and then taking a deep breath and 'locking' in...arching back, elbows etc.

BENCH- 3 sets.
Set 1 - Warm up at 65lbs x 8
Set 2 - 95 lbs at 5
Set 3 - 95 lbs x 5, but competition style, focusing on my form, getting the bar where it should be on my chest.

MAX ATTEMPT - 110 lbs.  I didn't get this either today.  Slightly disheartened by this, because I've been working on bench consistently.  This will be my 3rd attempt weight at the competition.  I think I can get it.

Thursday we are going to try my squat max at the beginning, and then it's deadlifting (yay!).  I hit my max at 240lbs last week...hoping to hit that again for reps.

TOMORROW, upper back & biceps.
Here's my plan:

Assisted pull ups...35# of assistance 4 sets, 8 reps
Bent Over Row...40# 4 sets, 8 reps
Narrow grip pulldown....70# 4 sets, 8 reps.
One Arm Row....35# 4 sets, 8 reps

Preacher curls....30#, 3 sets, 12 reps
Hammer Curls....15# dumbells 3 sets, 12 reps (on the bosu ball)
Concentration Curl... 15 to 17.5# ...3 sets, 10-12 reps.

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